Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

Top 15 Ways to Extend Your Laptop’s Battery Life

Top 15 Ways to Extend Your Laptop’s Battery Life Laptops tend to lose their charm quickly when you’re constantly looking for the nearest power outlet to charge up. How do you keep your battery going for as long as possible? Here are 15 easy ways to do so.

1. Defrag regularly - The faster your hard drive does its work - less demand you are going to put on the hard drive and your battery. Make your hard drive as efficient as possible by defragging it regularly. (but not while it’s on battery of course!) Mac OSX is better built to handle fragmentation so it may not be very applicable for Apple systems.

2. Dim your screen - Most laptops come with the ability to dim your laptop screen. Some even come with ways to modify CPU and cooling performance. Cut them down to the lowest level you can tolerate to squeeze out some extra battery juice.

3. Cut down on programs running in the background. Itunes, Desktop Search, etc. All these add to the CPU load and cut down battery life. Shut down everything that isn’t crucial when you’re on battery.

4. Cut down external devices - USB devices (including your mouse) & WiFi drain down your laptop battery. Remove or shut them down when not in use. It goes without saying that charging other devices (like your iPod) with your laptop when on battery is a surefire way of quickly wiping out the charge on your laptop battery.

5. Add more RAM - This will allow you to process more with the memory your laptop has, rather than relying on virtual memory. Virtual memory results in hard drive use, and is much less power efficient. Note that adding more RAM will consume more energy, so this is most applicable if you do need to run memory intensive programs which actually require heavy usage of virtual memory.

6. Run off a hard drive rather than CD/DVD - As power consuming as hard drives are, CD and DVD drives are worse. Even having one in the drive can be power consuming. They spin, taking power, even when they?re not actively being used. Wherever possible, try to run on virtual drives using programs like Alcohol 120% rather than optical ones

. 7. Keep the battery contacts clean: Clean your battery’s metal contacts every couple of months with a cloth moistened with rubbing alcohol. This keeps the transfer of power from your battery more efficient.

8. Take care of your battery - Exercise the Battery. Do not leave a charged battery dormant for long periods of time. Once charged, you should at least use the battery at least once every two to three weeks. Also, do not let a Li-On battery completely discharge. (Discharing is only for older batteries with memory effects)

9. Hibernate not standby - Although placing a laptop in standby mode saves some power and you can instantly resume where you left off, it doesn’t save anywhere as much power as the hibernate function does. Hibernating a PC will actually save your PC’s state as it is, and completely shut itself down.

10. Keep operating temperature down - Your laptop operates more efficiently when it’s cooler. Clean out your air vents with a cloth or keyboard cleaner, or refer to some extra tips by

11. Set up and optimize your power options - Go to ‘Power Options’ in your windows control panel and set it up so that power usage is optimized (Select the ‘max battery’ for maximum effect).

12. Don’t multitask - Do one thing at a time when you’re on battery. Rather than working on a spreadsheet, letting your email client run in the background and listening to your latest set of MP3’s, set your mind to one thing only. If you don’t you’ll only drain out your batteries before anything gets completed!

13. Go easy on the PC demands - The more you demand from your PC. Passive activities like email and word processing consume much less power than gaming or playing a DVD. If you’ve got a single battery charge - pick your priorities wisely.

14. Get yourself a more efficient laptop - Laptops are getting more and more efficient in nature to the point where some manufacturers are talking about all day long batteries. Picking up a newer more efficient laptop to replace an aging one is usually a quick fix.

15. Prevent the Memory Effect - If you’re using a very old laptop, you’ll want to prevent the ‘memory effect’ - Keep the battery healthy by fully charging and then fully discharging it at least once every two to three weeks. Exceptions to the rule are Li-Ion batteries (which most laptops have) which do not suffer from the memory effect.

Bonus Tip #1: Turn off the autosave function. MS-Word’s and Excel’s autosave functions are great but because they keep saving regular intervals, they work your hard driver harder than it may have to. If you plan to do this, you may want to turn it back on as the battery runs low. While it saves battery life in the beginning, you will want to make sure your work is saved when your battery dies.

Bonus Tip #2: Lower the graphics use. You can do this by changing the screen resolution and shutting off fancy graphic drivers. Graphics cards (video cards) use as much or more power today as hard disks Bonus Tip #1 to give caution about turning off autosave, tip #8 to change information about discharging batteries - thanks to all who pointed it out. Added Bonus tip #2, Tip #1 to add in clause in regards to Mac OSX, Tip #1 about the spinning of hard drives - thanks to all who pointed it out

Selasa, 02 Juni 2009

hentikan air matamu

Sudahlah hentikan air matamu
Tak ada gunanya tangisan dan jeritan
Bangkitlah dan jangan mengeluhkan zaman
Sebab keluhan hanyalah kemalasan
Titihlah jalan dengan kemauanmu
Dan jangan bertanya , bagaimana caranya
Tidak tersesat orang yang punya keinginan lagi berusaha
Pada suatu hari nanti, sedang hikmahnya yang menuntun
Sekali-kali tidak!!
Tidak akan gagal seseorang suatu hari nanti
Sedang niatnya itu mulia....

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

Wut the death means to u…

Judulnya cukup menarik kan..
Of course that’s why u read it…. So lets begin..
Death have many definition, its according from where u see it.. its it from the eye of religion or from the way of a medician thinking… but secara umum saja kita mengambil kesimpulan (cos sy ngga tau latar belakang dari anda sekalian yang membaca artikel ini). As a simple one’s the death mean is terputusnya semua hubungan dirimu dengan kehidupan ini…
So many people do not like to discussed about this topic.. many reason bout it.. one of those reason is that they fear bout death..may be that the most common reason.. but hey man… death is something that will come to happen in every single thing that’s live in the worlds.. n I think that’s everyone know about it.. but why they denied n try to run from it… that’s the second question… so may be the answer is “im not ready for that one”.. its very reasonable reason, not ready because he/she still don’t enjoy to live in the world, not ready because he/she have something to reach or to do, or not ready because still thingking about the sin that he/she have done, are my preparation to death are ready?...
What ever reason may come up… but as people say’s “the death has no calender”.. so it may come in everywhere u r, anytime u r, whatever u doing…or whoever u r… it can happen even tomorrow u get married, or tomorrow u got a promotion.. he2..
Many people fear about it, but in opposite of that there are also people who want to die.. as I say before.. the death cut every relation from u to this living world.. so may be the reason of that people is the fastest way to run from the problem that they cant handle…
That’s all the thing that happen in our ordinary world.. but lets take a look around little while.. so many people r struggle for their live from the desease they have.. the deasease that cant be cure in their current situation..they struggle from it, but also one of them may be give up… its like one the readers found, she’s around 50 years old, live in southeast Sulawesi, she has a mamma cancer post mastektomi radikal(her both mamma has been taken), she chemotheraphy cycle has finish, but the cancer stage has been in advanced level, the cancer has metastases to the lung, to her arm,n her foot both swelling, n as the writer see, she also have a renal failure, so in her current situation, she even hard to breath, but she came along from another pronvince n came to the hospital by herself to seek the cure for the deases she had. From the way she talk, shes really optimist that she can be cured, but she don’t know from medical eyes she has less change to live anymore..but as a doctor we have to encourage for her will to be healed.. but after approximately 20 minute, shes family came..n talk with the doctor.. n their choose to bring her back home, cos the family already give up.. don’t know bout their reason, but suddenly the situation became so sad, I see her crying alone in her bed.. I don’t know why shes crying, is it her realize that’s she has less change to get cured, or because of shes family act, shes thinking about wut will her face tomorrow n wut happen next, or may be she think about the death.. wut a difficult n depressed mental she may have.. n ask for ur self.. wut could be u think if u r in the face to face with the death..
That’s just a story, there many another story about wut happen in around us..the story we could be missed or the story that we never realized.. or may be we never give a damn about it…

i'll kill u...

Tatapan mata yang ku beri, atau sikap yang selalu peduli tentang kamu dan perhatian yang ku saji, Tidakkah kau tahu, aku tergila-gila pada pesonamu..
Tiap hari ku menunggu saat bertemu dirimu, namun bila ku tlah didekatmu, dikau hanya menganggapku bagai bayangan yang tak kasat mata.. tak pernah lebih, bahkan selalu kurang…
Ntah apakah kau tahu butuh sebuah keberanian dan pemikiran yang kuat untuk dapat berada 1 meter saja didekatmu, andai kau tahu bgmn tekanan mental dan kejadian biomolekuler yang terjadi dalam hatiku kecilku saat itu terjadi..
Bagaikan ledakan bom atom yang meledakkan hirosima dan Nagasaki.. dan efeknya tak berhenti sampai sekarang..kapan dia berhenti akupun tak tahu..
Dikau memang indah bagai rembulan, memberikan pesona bagi tiap orang,dengam senyuman dan lesun pipimu yang manis.. dan diriku juga sadar akan eksistensi dari diri ini bila dibandingkan denganmu,
Bagai pungut atau si cebol yang merindukan bulan, mungkin itulah aku saat ini..
Ku sadar gambaran diriku bagai orang yang tak sadar diri akan siapa dirinya, ku tahu posisiku terlampau jauh bagimu, ku tahu bila gaya hidup n pandangan kedepan kita cukup berbeda.. dan kusadar cinta tak harus memiliki..
Tapi katakanlah hal itu pada hati kecilku yang meronta ini, berikanlah penjelasan tentang perihal tersebut pada fikiran ini, maka sesungguhnya mereka akan menutup telinga dan mata mereka..tak ada yang dapat membuatnya diam..terdiam sesaat dari memikirkan engkau….
Apakah rasa cinta itu hanya boleh dimiliki oleh mu yang telah memiliki segalanya.. apakah cinta itu harus memiliki level tertentu, hingga daku yang kecil ini hanya boleh menahan perasaan yang ada.. ataukah kita harus tinggal didimensi yang berbeda..
Tak pernah terfikir perasaan ini akan membuatku tertekan hingga mampu untuk membunuhku.. tak sadarkah dirimu apa yang tlah kau lakukan kepadaku.. kau dan cinta itu dapat membunuhku..
Ntah siapa yang salah apakah aku, engkau atau perasaan ini..
namun bila tidak ada cara lain
kubisa saja membunuhmu agar kau tk membunuh cintaku…

cinta memang gila

Cinta memang gila
Membuat seorang raja rela membuat istana yang megah demi seorang permaisurinya tercinta, namun ketika selesai dia hanya menikmati keindahan istana, yang telah jadi kuburan bagi permasurinya dari jendela penjara
Cinta memang gila
Membuat romeo menelan racun demi Juliet yang tidak sadarkan diri, dan konyolnya lagi Juliet yang telah sadar juga ikut bunuh diri..
Cinta memang gila
Membuat seorang ibu rela berjalan hilir mudik dari satu padang ke padang yang lain hingga 7 kali hanya untuk mencarikan air untuk anaknya yang kehausan
Cinta memang gila
Membuat seorang cesar yang menguasai daerah yang luas dan menjajah 1/5 dari bumi ini bertekuk lutut kepada seorang ratu yang telah kalah berperang darinya
Cinta memang gila
Membuat seorang prabu rela membuat 1000 candi dalam waktu semalam hanya untuk seorang wanita biasa, yang ternyata sudah kerjasama sama penjual ayam supaya ayamnya bunyi lebih cepat agar pagi cepat datang
Cinta memang gila
Hingga membuatmu mabuk kepanyang dan kekeyangan hingga tak nafsu makan dan tak bisa tidur karenanya, jadi uring-uringan kayak orang ada gangguan jiwa dan sering berhalusinasi.. bahkan dapat sampai kebatas dia dapat berbicara pada angin, bulan dan bintang
Cinta memang gila
Karena bila di hitung-hitung secara segi ekonomi dan untung rugi, semua kisah cinta kebanyakan pasti rugi, apalagi klo selalu dihitung pasti tambah rugi..kenapa juga dihitung
Cinta memang gila
Hingga membuat manusia pendiam yang terkenanya berubah menjadi pujangga sekelas charil anwar yang mengeluarkan kata2 indah penggoda hati, bahkan tiba2 dia bisa berubah jadi seniman yang penampilannya nda karuan..
Cinta memang gila
Membuat nasi campur garam + air putih serasa menjadi nasi padang + jus jeruk atau nasi + ayam goreng KFC + pepsi cola…. Asal jangan tiap hari..